Refund Policy

If our service does not meet your expectations, it is possible to request a refund. However, refunds are only available in the specific circumstances outlined in our Refund Policy. Please review the policy thoroughly before requesting a refund. If your request meets the criteria for eligibility, the refund will be processed back to your original method of payment within 7-10 business days.

Refunds will be initiated when:

  • You’ve paid more than one time for a stub.
  • You couldn't access (view, download or email) your generated pay stub at any time.
  • You are not able to edit (spellings and others) the generated stub.

Refunds will not be initiated for the following:

  • Issues that aren't mentioned in the refund section.
  • You don't like the pay stub.
  • You're not going to use the stub anymore.
  • You're not sure about the calculations.
  • You decide to change the information on your pay stub completely, i.e., Employer Name, Employee Name, Pay period or Payday. Refunds will only be initiated in cases when you are not able to edit any of the information.
  • You want to edit information in the pay stub after 48 hours of the pay stub creation and payment.
  • If you are not a unique user (Yes, our system will check to determine your uniqueness based on various parameters) in order to utilize the first stub free.
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]
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2685 Celanese Road, Suite 100,
Rock Hill, SC 29732.